The Disney College Program Tag

1. How did you hear about the program? I kind of always knew about it... I remember on one trip, we were talking to a cast member in Frontier Trading Post, and she was participating in the DCP. We talked to her, and she was telling us how she was in college and was participating in the DCP. That was when I learned that it was a real possibility for me to do while in college. 2. How was the interview process? It was very fast for me. I applied on the first day that applications were open. I had the web-based interview sent to me the next day. When I passed the WBI, I was sent the link to sign up for my phone interview. I signed up for the following Sunday afternoon, August 26th. Then, I waited. I was lucky enough to be in the first applied wave, and I was accepted on September 5th. 3. Where were you when you found out? I was at work, and I just happened to be checking my email when it popped up. I couldn't contain my excitement, so I stepped out of my office to call m...